An animated short I created for A2RL Abu Dhabi's Autonomous Racing League
As part of the team at Earth London, I collaborated on the UI design, artwork, and animation
for the promo video of A2RL’s second season, the Abu Dhabi Autonomous Racing League.
My contributions helped showcase the high-stakes global competition among engineering
teams racing to build the fastest autonomous cars.
Working closely with the Creative Director (Richard White) and Designer (Alan Lemoine)
I handled aspects of 3D environment design, modelling, all UI elements, overall concept,
logo animation, glitch effects and  some post-production for the project
Logo animation I designed for the opening sequence and end card
A2RL Promo Stills
Concept idea developed in UE5
I created the initial concept still using Unreal Engine, which was featured in
the pitch and helped secure the project.

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